Thursday, October 3, 2013

Primary Memory

Primary memory:
                It is also called main memory or internal memory. It is more expensive than secondary memory. The primary memory of the computer are Read Only Memory and CACHE MEMORY .

RAM: RAM is a volatile memory It is also known as the temporary memory. It is volatile memory because information inside the RAM is erased when the power supply is switched off. It is the working memory of the computer system. It is also called Read Write Memory because data can be written and read from it. All the programs and data must be loaded into Ram before they are executed or processed.The two types of RAM are Static Ram and Dynamic Ram.

SRAM: It is static RAM . It is made up of transistors so doesn’t need periodic refresh to preserve the information.  It is much faster than DRAM.
It need s a periodic refresh to preserve the information. Synchronous Dynamic RAM is a kind of DRAM.
By increasing the amount of RAM , the performance of computer of computer increases because more programs and data can be loaded in it at a time. But we should be clear that only memory is not the deciding factor for the performance of the computer.

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